One connected to people all over the world
I am continually fulfilling my dream of being a citizen of the world, connected to people from all over the globe.
Another childhood ambition was to meet everyone in the world. I would sit on my stoop and look out at the neighborhood, knowing there was big world to discover all on my own.
My Mission Statement
My Passion is Living Life Consciously with lots of different people in it to Actively Appreciate and Connect as a way of seeing and knowing my world. This is the only way I can truly understand the human race and, therefore, Myself. These connections give me a spiritual context with an insight into an interpretation of my life.
My belief is by giving to and connecting with people, you ultimately learn more about yourself by learning about them.
The power of connecting with people from around the world is my ultimate state of wellbeing. My mission is to continually discover new people, which nurtures new ways of thinking and being that provides my continuous growth process into a better human being.
I have a desire to travel around the world in a specific way. I visit places set up by people I have met or hosted or referred to as my personal guides, placing me authentically inside the cities, villages or towns I visit. The connections style is my forte and I have the power to call on contacts around the USA and the around the globe through my associations in Citizen Diplomacy/Global Ties circle, the French American Chamber of Commerce and my contacts from my business world. If I am not in a home in every new country I visit, I don’t feel I have been truly to the country. Each country visit is full of purpose and connection.
I have represented Philadelphia in Kazan and Orenberg, Russia; Florence, Italy; Aix en Provence, France; and Havana, Cuba, wearing the citizen Ambassador hat. I was part of a water service trip of H2OPen doors, bringing new water service to villages in Kenya and Shinyangs, Tanzania, in Africa. A Day of the Dead ceremony in November 1995 in Oaxaca, Mexico was a thrill of a cultural experience to honor my late husband with an alter and join the festivities.
My trips through the years have shown me our neighboring countries: Canada and Mexico and the islands of the Caribbean, most especially sailing the British Virgin Islands, and also St Martins and St Lucia.
On the European continent, my travels brought me to England, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Austria.
I have set up my home with my international Guest Room to be open to and accept visitors from all over the world. It is a physicalization of our open arms. This positions Tommy and me as hosts as part of our relationship. Tommy and I build a world of love and harmony, encouraging people to open up, laugh and cry and enjoy the American experience at our home because we love each other and accept each other’s differences So, therefore, we accept our guests’ differences. My main connection to my husband is that he truly understands and believes that All it Takes is Love. Our relationship is based on love and we tend to and recognize we must always nurture it to keep it alive.
My purpose in life is to add to and enjoy the abundance of the world in peace with love. It means experiencing the multitudes of relationships to make a positive impact in all their lives and, therefore ,my Own. This gives promise to the ultimate dream of a world of tolerance and mutual understanding for mankind (and woman kind) to live in peace.
I am working on it: one relationship at a time.